I will most likely write a longer rant about this later but here is a link to President Obama's proclamation that May is now National Mental Health Awareness Month:
And my immediate reaction:
While it’s true that this is a great step in the direction ending the stigma that surrounds people with mental illness, it seems that the speech purposefully left out any form of one of the most stigmatized illness: Schizophrenia. Not only are they tiptoeing around sensitive parts of the issue, they are completely ignoring the fact that these people that they are urging to get help are going to be faced with having to wait 2-3 months for an appointment after they search for a place that will actually accept a new patient. And the “treatment” they receive from there? Not to mention what they have to go through if they’re hospitalized. Thanks for the empty gesture but the mental health system needs help and that sure the hell isn’t it.
In this blog I talk about living with mental illness. I cover topics like medication, hospitalization, everyday life, coping skills, etc. I am honest about my experiences and often discuss my worries and thought processes that I have about relationships and life in general as it relates to mental illness.
*DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor, therapist, or health professional of any kind. I’m sharing things that I have been taught that have helped me (or not). This is my experience.
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