*DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor, therapist, or health professional of any kind. I’m sharing things that I have been taught that have helped me (or not). This is my experience.


Thursday, November 7, 2013

Day 1, Day 2

As I read through posts on CrazyBoards.org (a thread site for people with mental illness) I realized that there are so many like me and so few places for us to get help.  Mental illness is a really tricky process (as if you didn't know) and, especially with as many medications I'm on, I find myself in a sea of apathy.  Suicide doesn't come to mind but I don't want to live anymore.  I have said this before (which should give me hope) but I just feel like I'm treading water.  Maybe not treading water until death this time but treading water until I can do something useful.  What do you do when you feel like nothing is worth doing?  I don't want to upset my family but with my dad going into treatment soon and my brother needing help with moving it seems I don't have a choice but to hurt someone.

I think I want to go into the hospital and do a med wash.  I know that the meds that I am on were working and maybe they still are and just need a push of something else.  Maybe I just need to let this pass, but what if it doesn't?  No one wants you in the hospital unless you're suicidal but I can't see my psychiatrist every day to adjust things.  The doctor I like most working with, Dr. Rickard Larsen, has crappy facilities and refuse to let you wear your own clothes.  Plus, if you're there longer than a week they start talking about placement.  Dr. Trahan in another hospital gave me a chance to relax and not worry about being sent away.  He took the time to put me on lithium which had been suggested while I was in the hospital a few times, but no one wanted to take the time to do it.  Plus at Dr. Trahan's unit you can have your cell phone.

I have even lost interest in writing this.  And the point of it.  People read this and it is just letters on a monitor.  How do you give activities meaning, I mean, that's the point of activities, to hold your interest and yet, if you have no interest in them what are you supposed to do?


I'm reading this a day later and today was better than yesterday.  I wasn't alone because my brother was around all day so maybe that's something I needed.  It also crosses my mind that I may be flipping into a manic cycle, especially since I've known myself to be rapid-cycling when new meds are introduced.  I didn't explain, I guess, about the med change; when I started getting headaches and migraines almost constantly again I went to see my neurologist and he put me on Neurontin which, beside a few nasty side effects, didn't work.  I got a hold of my neurologist and he switched me to Nortriptyline.  I am still tapering up but I've been known to go into hypomania with new antidepressants.  I'm hoping that's not where this is going.  I have responsibilities to my family to keep myself on level ground.

I am still having hallucinations, usually not something I can understand and outside my head, with a couple of exceptions.  I am still amazed (and not necessarily in a good way) about these voices I hear inside my head and the disassociative thoughts I'm having.  Before I hear them in my head I didn't think someone else's voice could be in my thoughts, but yet there they are and yes, I am crazy.

Of course "crazy" is not the right would but would be?  "Mental Illness" makes me feel like I've got the plague and I could "strip naked and cluck like a chicken" at any moment.  Then the reality sets in and I realize that, as much as I try to defend myself, I have only as much control of myself as my medications and body allow me.

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